Thursday, April 24, 2014

Dance Unsung

Fateful eternity

Little did the Goddess know...
Little did she know
pain immense of the seer,
She could never see what he saw,
She would never believe his vision.
Rudra just could not express.
How can he?
Narrate her leaving home,
A day, when they will die,
she and him. 

Her instincts were blinded
She could never believe her father
would still be cross !
She smiled by own in seclusion
happy to meet her sister and mother,
and father, she thought,
he can never deny
my happiness !
All I need to show
is how happy I am
How beautiful is our home,
How beautiful he is now.

Shiva, he saw everything.
He knew everything.
He was helpless even then.
He can never intrude !
Break her delicate dreams
Never ever in any eternity!
He just sighed,
Devi, do you have to leave?
He asked, as if, indifferent,
She thought,
he was just being careless.

His heart was breaking as hell
He had to smile,
hiding tears in his own space
How can he?
How can he show her
what he has seen !
It is the day,
fateful day, where
even deities are helpless.

Love is strange
and so are the myths.
One should not go against the flow
One should not visit uninvited
The yagna daksha held
was in revenge
the congregation assembled
for the purpose of revenge
on Mahadeva, the King of Deva,

How can she leave him and go
Why does not she understand?
His heart was broken more,
Vishnu and Other Gods
they attended the ceremony.
a dire insult
to the Lord of Nine Realms
trying his compassion
gambling in the sense.
Neelkantha asked once again,
holding her hands gently
maybe, for the last time in many ages
imploring, please do not leave
saying more with eyes
than words can summon.

She looked surprised,
her honey lips slightly parted
Durga thought
Shiva is stopping her.
You do not know anything!
She smiled.
She was adamant
This time she thought
She would make it happen
A truce
A truce between
Rudra and daksha
her beloved
and her father.

She kept thinking
I can do it, but I must try
I must not be shy.

The departure

When she left
He stood by the doorway
of their crystal palace,
It did not have any meaning now!
Already empty, she was not there.
Quietly he stared by the desolate terrain,
the road of endlessness
picked up a flower, absent minded
Dropped from her hair..

He was,
Already a lost man,
a dead man
For this day,
he will have to bear the pain
losing everyone he loves,
his dearest and his brother.

She arrived at her father's home,
Daksha was headstrong
bent on mindless revenge,
The fates were unbroken.
They insulted him !
She could not just bear it
Durga just could not bear!
her heart tore
her heart tore
as if she
did not belong there !

She loves her father
She loves her beloved
And all foolish gods,
Vishnu, Indra, Surya
they kept saying
the most worst things of him.
Divine jealousy !
She cried and cried
Yogi where are you?
She just kept thinking,
there he is
silent somewhere
taking all this curse
because he loves her.
She felt to scream curses
but how can she?
She loves her father
Her mother and sisters,
What will they feel !
Pain pain pain
rain rain rain.

Her soul just tore..
She reached out
In an abstract hope,
for his hand.
He was not there
How can he when
the ceremony was
about him,
not being there !
the poisonous words
they kept saying
demeaning the mighty
somehow certain,
her pain
would make him bleed,
all these venom
She just could not bear!

Her heart tore
as a trampled flower.
Durga fell down,
The ceremony was silent.
have they taken it too far?  
It was too late.
Her body she left.
laid lifeless
Divine Devi,
heart broken.

stars died
rivers cried
rain rain rain
rain rain rain
the cloud
on the faces
twisted until now
in viciousness,
now they dare not think
Shiva Almighty
Lord of Heaven and Hell
What will happen to them? 

The silence
All were silent
They dared not breathe
Lest more sin is committed.
what have they done?
the Mahadeva, King of Kings,
the Lord of Tandava!!!

They shook in uncontrollable fear
palpitating, all mighty Gods
Vishnu included,
their feet shook in terror, like twigs
at the face of a storm.
All of a sudden,
Now they felt, what it feels,
as demons
earning retribution.
prepared for sacrifice,
bloodied temple of Vairaba.

The rage

Cloud cloud cloud
thunderstorms raged,
out of nowhere
the sky rained snakes
the wind, it became pungent
with decaying flesh.
Rudra knew everything.
the mendicant,
the moment Durga left
he changed !
the appearance changed !
A skull, a skull he became
From the fire
of his eyes
arose the destroyer
terrible Veerbhadra.
Armed with a mighty scimitar,
his eyes were burning coal
snakes were coiling
in and out of his mouth
Mahakaal summoned hell
the rage of revenge.

Fiery thunderstorms leapt from the skies
the ghosts began dancing their crazy dance
weird eerie laughter of Shiva's anger
filled the universe everywhere.
The defiant gods everywhere
they trembled for the apocalypse.
Who can save them now? 
indra and daksha
laid themselves prostrate
at the feet of Vishnu
as a last chance.

Vishnu tried summoning the chakra
in panic to disappear, war?
he tried in fear to take Parvati's
lifeless body, from the floor.
the chakra was a blessing from Shiva,
his emanations cut the Goddess
her divine body, in pieces.

Enraged enraged enraged
Veerbhadra devoured the chakra,
Vishnu was left without it. Forever.
and, one mighty blow,
Vairaba took the head of Daksha.

A pause

Shiva just stopped, at his brother
he cannot slay him!
He could only say
Why Vishnu? Why? Why? Why?
How could you even do that?
then he screamed,
and just fell
fell like an avalanche
as the oldest tree
He fell. 

Blood flowed
from his eyes as tears
he just laid there
In that devastated space.
His tremors,
he paused them in space.
Kali would be created.
As long as
a forest grew around him
with a hope
one day,
she will return again
some day in some eternity
he has to fulfill
the vengeful dance
of apocalypse.

Veerbhadra Vairaba
Sudarshan Chakra
Crime of Vishnu

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