Sunday, March 09, 2014

Heavy Handed Execution

Shiva's mighty jurisdiction
Absolute control
Confined in openness,
under personal stake,
if he is wrong
he is trapped forever there.

Mistake is a meaningless word.
One who had coined
all words once, from the AUM.
in spirit, he has never mistaken.
pure soul,
vibration eternal.
Heavy metallic executions
were meted out
at the climatic war
psychic apocalypse
End of Ages ushered 
No mercy was shown
where the slaves
discarded piety by will,
conscious choice,
avoiding Good over evil.

The demons did not get any of it.
They could not think much either,
slaves, fools, they have sold their souls
now Satan can put words
where their minds belong!

Crime needs to be confessed,
the criminal must come forward,
they do not confess by choice
they think they do,
their pride, never gets them
to realize, luxury of freedom,
free will and such,
unavailable anymore. 
rules of hell are strict,
nothing is done
without highest
Executive Jurisdiction. 

After death matters

zudas hung himself one such night.
in the afterlife, the executioner
who brought him in, dragging
by his skeleton horse
with the noose this thing
used to end its life. Vairaba.
He read out the crimes
Put up an open notice.
Branded the dead,
Its decomposing body
heightened with sensitivity
its sick phallus fascination
it must suffer
the same.

There are no cures in hell.
Hell is the cure
for a corrupted world. 

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